Digital Business Strategy

Digital Business Strategy

Developing a plan to help you succeed online

Our goal is to get you the best possible return from your website & digital marketing.
We will help you identify what is important to you, define KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) & develop an online strategy tailored for your business.

We look at your overall business online strategy, your website content, layout, design & other elements to help improve your success online.
We also take a look at what digital marketing channels you are currently using and what else may be available for you to take your business to the next level.


Every business should have a digital business strategy. 

Some of the areas that we look at are:

  • Business & Website Goals
  • Google Analytics Reporting & Training
  • Website layout, images, contact forms, etc
  • Technical Website Backend Coding & Key SEO components
  • Search Engine Optimisation & Visibility
  • Google AdWords Advertising 
  • Content Copywriting
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Blog Strategies
  • Traffic Conversion Best Practices
Digital Business Strategy Sydney
Digital Business Strategy Sydney

Digital Business Success

As part of our Digital Business Strategy, we review your KPIs and ongoing strategy on a regular basis to ensure that any changes to your business goals are also reflected online.
We recommend a review session every 30-90 days. During this session we:

  • Review your last 90 days website goals, conversions & traffic
  • Define any new KPI or targets from your business plans
  • Discuss & review your online marketing efforts & suggest any improvements
  • Review any social media reports & make recommendations

What do you know about your website visitors?

Google Analytics gives you powerful insights into your website visitors and helps you define website goals.
It is useful for:business website online strategy

- Monitoring & Measuring Website Traffic
- Detailed Analysis of Google Adwords Campaigns
- Conversion Tracking
- Trend Analysis
- Website Optimisation
- Content Testing

As part of our digital business strategy system, Google Analytics is setup at an advanced level, where we can understand where your traffic is coming from & how to better optimise your website to improve conversions & drive sales.
We track important elements on your web pages, such as PDF download, enquiry form completions & clicks to other key elements on your website.

We can also help you gather the following insights about your website traffic

  • How many unique visitors? or returning customers?
  • What keywords did they use to find my website?
  • Where geographically are they coming from?
  • What internet browser & screen size do they have
  • How many mobile devices view my website?
  • Do I need a mobile website?
  • Traffic Flow Analysis
  • Social Interaction
  • Referring websites
We can also help you to understand your website traffic at least at a basic level, so you can better understand what reports are available to you.


As per our requirements as an official Google Partner in Sydney please take the time to review Google's "Working with Third-Parties." Policy