Thank you for reading our book - Website Insight: A guide to understanding Google Analytics for every small business
As a special thank you & to help you get started with your online success, we would like to offer you a
Netpresence Website Strategy Review & Consultation at only $149
Normally valued at $395
Our Website Strategy Review takes a detailed look into your website & your online objectives & develop an action plan to advise how your goals can best be achieved online.
We will give you a list of recommendations based on Google best practices & our own experiences.
This helps to shape your online strategy and form an actionable plan to achieve your online success.
We look at areas of your website such as
- Domain Name
- Website Compatibility and Performance factors
- Mobile Compatibility
- SEO & Website Visibility
- Google Analytics Implementation & best practices
- User Experience Elements
- Design, Layout and Content issues
- Management & Backup systems
- Social Media integration
- Blog system
Get Started Today!