Google Analytics for your Business
Understanding your website traffic
Data is everywhere in today’s world & identifying what is important to your business can be overwhelming.
We can help you to better understand your reports & how to drive improvement from your website.
- Setup, Configuration & implementation
- Ongoing Management
- Help define your KPIs
- Develop your online strategy
- Training
- Support
- Optimisation
- Conversion tracking
- ROI tracking
- A/B & Multivariate test
- Website Optimisation based on data
What do you know about your website visitors?
Google Analytics is an enterprise web analytics platform which can give you powerful insights into your website visitors and helps you define website goals.
It is useful for
- Monitoring & Measuring Website Traffic
- Detailed Analysis of Google Adwords Campaign
- Social Media Campaigns success rates
- Conversion Tracking
- Trend Analysis
- Website Optimisation
- Content Testing
- How many unique visitors? or returning customers?
- What keywords did they use to find my website?
- Where geographically are they coming from?
- What internet browser & screen size do they have
- How many mobile devices view my website?
- Do I need a mobile website?
- Traffic Flow Analysis
- Social Interaction
- Referring Sites
Get Started Today!

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